Discussion: “Please Introduce Yourself”
The Discussion areas are a place to introduce yourself to fellow participants and to post comments relating to each conference session. Jump in and share!
Please take a moment to introduce yourself to conference participants. You might like to tell us where you work, what city you are in, and about your role in the world of education. Don’t hesitate to tell us about your interest in Abraham Lincoln or why this conference is of particular interest to you.
Add your introduction in the Comments box below, or click “reply” next to someone else’s post to offer your response to their introduction. Or call the LearningTimes record-by-phone system to record an audio introduction; select audio messages will appear here as well. The number in US/Canada is 1-800-609-9006 x8055. (Outside of US/Canada, call 678-255-2174 x8055).
We look forward to meeting you!
- The Smithsonian Online Education Conference: Abraham Lincoln Team
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January 27, 2009
Darren Milligan said:
Hello Lincoln Lovers!
My name is Darren and I make stuff on the web for teachers. Some of it is on SmithsonianEducation.org.
I am really looking forward to interacting with lots of you as the conference progresses, and hopefully, for a long time afterward.
Something fun that I didn’t make: Super Mario Lincoln
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January 30, 2009
Wajahat Nassar said:
This is Wajahat Nassar from Punjab Pakistan and I am currently studying.
I really wish to participate in the discussion and learn from other on how Abraham Lincoln is the most influential person in the American history and how may the Americans use his legacy.
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February 5, 2009
Neil Milligan said:
Hi Darren, I am not sure if you will have time to see this, I am Neil Milligan, retired History teacher, I am interested in finding out among many other things from this symposium if anywhere it addresses, Lincoln as a speech writer and does President Obama look to Lincon as one of his heroes?
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February 5, 2009
Neil Milligan said:
Hello again Neil Milligan, I came in late to the two sessions on the 5th, but fully enjoyed the presenters and the info they provided, the nice thing is that it is all recorded and I can go back and listen or read in entirety the sessions of my interest. The entire program was great and I saw some questions and responses were global, how fantastic is that. Good job, be proud and keep it up.
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January 27, 2009
Eric Langhorst said:
Hello. I’m an 8th grade American history teacher at South Valley Jr. High in Liberty, Missouri (just outside of Kansas City).
I’m really excited about this opportunity to visit and interact with the Smithsonian staff. I am planning on attending as many sessions as possible “live” and then hope to catch the other sessions through the archive.
I have a blog and podcast that discusses technology, history and education if anyone is interested in seeing some of the things we do and discuss in our classroom. I also post some ideas on activities and resources. http://www.speakingofhistory.blogspot.com Please feel free to check it out and leave me a comment.
Hope to see and meet many of you at the sessions in February.
Eric Langhorst
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February 5, 2009
Lynn-Steven Engelke said:
Great to see you here in the introductions, Eric, and also in the chat areas yesterday! Will you be online today to take part in the session being given by your fellow Smithsonian Teacher Ambassador, Michelle Hammond?
~ Stevie
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January 27, 2009
Eric Langhorst said:
Hello. My name is Eric Langhorst and I’m an 8th grade American history teacher in Liberty, Missouri (located just outside of Kansas City).
I’m looking forward to the sessions and hope to attend as many as possible “in person” and then view the others later through the archives. What an incredible opportunity to visit with experts from the Smithsonian.
Hope to “see” many of you online in a couple of weeks.
Eric Langhorst
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February 2, 2009
Andrew Duppstadt said:
Nice to see you are participating in this online experience. I am the Assistant Curator of Education for the North Carolina Division of State Historic Sites. The Curator and I recently started a Facebook group page for all of our Division staff as an area to share ideas and information on education, museums, and technology. Just today, I added a link to your blog/podcast under a listing of websites that deal with technology and education. I think staff members at our 27 historic sites will find much of the content and discussion on your site useful as they think about and wrestle with these types of issues.
Andrew Duppstadt
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February 3, 2009
Eric Langhorst said:
Andrew – Thanks so much for linking to my blog and I will be adding your blog to my reader. Great use of Facebook to connect your staff. Hope to maybe run into you during the online conference.
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January 28, 2009
Joseph Caputo said:
Hi, I’m a blogger for Smithsonian Magazine’s Around the Mall section with a strong interest in education.
I’m hoping the sessions will give me some ideas on how to integrate the Web into some the curricula I develop.
To find out what else is going on at the Smithsonian, check out the Mall blog: http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/aroundthemall/
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January 28, 2009
Jenny Wei said:
Hi all,
My name is Jenny and I work at the National Museum of American History.
I’ve been a big fan of Lincoln since I was in high school, so I have especially enjoyed working on some of my museum’s educational resources that connect with our new Lincoln exhibition.
I’m looking forward to “meeting” more educators who are also focusing on Lincoln. I would especially like to hear more about what gets kids excited about Lincoln. Is it his iconic hat? His backwoods background? President Obama’s interest in Lincoln?
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January 28, 2009
Emily Murgia said:
Hey there, ya’ll
I’m Emily and I’m a grad student at The George Washington University getting my masters in Museum Education. My background is in Art History.
I’m very excited to hear from so many prominent museum professionals and to have the opportunity to learn a lot of information about President Lincoln (maybe even some good Jeopardy trivia!).
It’ll be great to talk with all of you, too. It sounds as though there is going to be a great opportunity to share knowledge here! I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on the discussion boards when they open!
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January 29, 2009
Jonathan Finkelstein said:
Hi, I’m Jonathan Finkelstein of LearningTimes, proud partner with the Smithsonian in producing this conference series. I’ll be moderating the live sessions with the wonderful Smithsonian curators and educators on the conference program. Over the past few months, I have learned so much from working with them, and I am certain you will enjoy interacting with them as well. My colleagues and I look forward to celebrating the life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln and to welcoming you to the Smithsonian’s first online conference. We’ll see you soon!
- Jonathan Finkelstein
Executive Producer
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January 29, 2009
Lori Irwin said:
Hi, my name is Lori and I am 3rd grade teacher in Eagle Lake Florida. We switch and I have been priviledged enough to teach Social Studies to all of our 3rd grade students. We are currently working on Presidents and the students love hearing about Lincoln as I do. History is my passion and this is my first online conference like this and I am really looking forward to see what it offers as well as talking to people who have the same passion.
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January 29, 2009
Tammy Neil said:
Hello, I am the Media Specialist at Fort White High School in Columbia County, Florida. I support grades 6 through 12.
Our school is looking forward to visiting with everyone and sharing lots of information about one of our great leaders. We will have students from each grade level participating in this online forum.
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January 29, 2009
Rob Epstein said:
Hello There,
My name is Rob and I am a huge Lincoln fan. For the past several years, I have been devoting all of my “pleasure” reading time to exploring the lives of the U.S. Presidents. I am so looking forward to learning more about my favorie president.
I am an Elementary Principal on Long Island. I look forward to learning from all of you.
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January 29, 2009
Carol Scott said:
Hi All! I’m Carol Scott and I am a first year teacher at Okaw Valley Middle and High Schools in Findlay and Bethany, Illinois. We are about an hour away from Springfield. I teach middle school social studies, and high school Illinois History and American Government. I also completed an extensive research project in college on the FIRST Illinois home of Abraham Lincoln–in Macon County, Illinois, from March of 1830 to March of 1831. I teach in a very small school district in a very agricultural area. This is a great opportunity for teachers from rural areas like me to link into a great institution–the Smithsonian. Thank you for this opportunity and I am looking forward to the conference!
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January 29, 2009
Elizabeth Smith said:
Hi all! My name is Liz Smith and I am the K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Specialist for Manatee County, Florida. I am a “first-timer” for a program like this and I am really excited! My first love is social studies and my second is museums! I hope many of our teachers from my district will also be involved.
Kind regards-
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February 4, 2009
Kim Pickett said:
I too have always been interested in social studies, especially American history. I was born in Illinois and have loved everything about Abraham Lincoln since I was old enough to learn about him. I am a special education teacher for third, fourth, and fifth grade students in Denham Springs, Louisiana. This is my first time to participate in on-line learning through the Smithsonian.
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January 29, 2009
Shannon said:
Hi, I’m Shannon Perich. I’m an associate curator of photography in the Photographic History Collection at the National Museum of American History. My presentation on Feb. 5th at 2pm is about Civil War era photography. I am planning a couple of activities that will hopefully translate to the classroom! See you there!
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January 29, 2009
Mona Cochran said:
Hello,Thanks… Smithsonian for being the Museum system of choicefor my family.
I am the Art Teacher at Liberty Elementary School, Midway GA. History is my first love and thru history and culture all things are Art. This makes the perfect choice job for me.
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January 29, 2009
Peggy Cummings said:
I am a Library Media Specialist who is Natinal Board Certified working at Douglas County High School, serving gades 9-12, in Castle Rock, Colorado, just south of Denver.
Currently, we have on display from the Gilder Lehrman Institute the national traveling exhibition, “Looking at Lincoln: Political Cartoons from the Civil War Era.” I am teaming with my social studies teachers on Lincoln lessons for students,incorporating the materials on the display.
I am interested in learning more about Lincoln and finding more information/lessons to use with our Bicentennial Celebration of Lincoln.
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January 29, 2009
Jim McKee said:
Hello Everyone!
My name is Jim McKee and I am the program and education coordinator at Brunswick Town/Ft. Anderson State Historic Site, on the banks of the Cape Fear River between Wilmington & Southport, NC. I have been a Lincoln enthusiast for years. We have displayed, Ft. Anderson’s original garrison flag that Lincoln spoke over on March 17, 1865 at the National Hotel.
I look forward to this conference and I know it will be a great learning experience.
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January 29, 2009
Suzanne Parker said:
My name is Suzanne and I’m the chairperson of the Durango Heritage Celebration in Durango, Colorado. Our annual event celebrates the Old West and Victorian history of our Four Corner mountain town and surroundings. I’m originally from Illinois and have always been interested in knowing more about Abraham Lincoln and Civil War history.
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January 29, 2009
Tom Swanson said:
Hello all, I’m US History teacher in Alliance, NE, in western Nebraska. I am looking forward to gaining information to enhance my students’ education.
Hope to “see” many of you on the site during the sessions, and for discussions afterwards.
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January 29, 2009
Jamie Hartwig said:
My name is Jamie and I teach 5th grade at Lincoln Elementary School in DeKalb, Illinois. I guess you can see why we love Lincoln beyond the usual. We have had a wonderful year of celebrations beginning with our school’s 50th birthday continuing on with Lincoln’s 200th birthday. I teach American History to both of our 5th grade classes. I love history and am very excited to be a part of a conference like this.
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January 29, 2009
Caroline Curtis said:
My name is Caroline and I am a graduate student earning a MS degree in conjunction with a graduate Museum Studies Certification. I live in Cincinnati and I am currently an intern at the Cincinnati Museum Center.
This conference is of interest to me because I am fascinated with the history of the 16th President. The turmoil he suffered with many of his children’s premature deaths and yet he was able to lead the country successfully through its greatest internal crisis the American Civil War.
I anticipate the conference to be full of rich and useful information. I am excited to share my newly learned knowledge with colleagues and visitors.
I look forward to group discussions and learning more about the late and great 16th President, Abraham Lincoln!
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January 29, 2009
Vicki Scott said:
Hi everyone,
I am Vicki Scott. I teach at Southeastern School, in Remlap, Alabama. That is just north of the city of Birmingham. I teach a self-contained fifth grade class. My passion is the American History that I get to teach. I am especially interested in the era of the Civil War and the lives of those who were involved. Abraham Lincoln fascinates me. I hope to attend some sessions live but since I have a classroom full all day I may not be able to view at the live times. I look forward to all there is to learn.
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January 29, 2009
Jessica said:
Hello All!
I am Jessica from Houston, TX. I am a Social Studies Instructional Specialist at an intermediate school and I work with an awesome group of teachers! Looking forward to all discussions and events!
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January 29, 2009
Addie Kinsley said:
I’m Addie Kinsley and i teach in an online school in the SE corner of Colorado. I teach K-12 SPED and am the Curriculum Director. Lincoln was a master at delivering a message in as few words as possible, yet his speeches continue to impact us today. The ideas he had expressed are still timely and i wanted to know more about what his experiences were to gain insight on how he thought.
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January 29, 2009
Betty Bloomfield said:
Wow, what a diverse group.I am so excited about joining all of you in this new adventure. I am a gifted and talented specialist in Westminster, Maryland. This online opportunity will help me increase my knowledge of Lincoln so that I can write curriculum for a leadership unit in gifted education.
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January 29, 2009
Carrie Veatch said:
My name is Carrie Veatch. I am an online American History teacher for a public high school in Colorado. I, like the rest of you, am looking forward to this amazing experience, and I am thankful to the Smithsonian folks for making this possible. I’ve always had Lincoln-fever, and I love reading about Lincoln and the Civil War Era.
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January 29, 2009
Sherry Edmondson said:
I teach fourth grade in Holly Pond, Alabama. We are exchange classes and I have the privilege of teaching all of the Alabama history classes each day. I love learning about Abraham Lincoln and look forward to learning more.
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January 29, 2009
LeighAnne said:
Hi, I’m LeighAnne Seay and I teach special needs students in Millry. We are a rural school and I thought this might help me excite my students about American history.
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January 29, 2009
Jason Milne said:
Hi all…I am a Special Education teacher working in the Pioneer School District, which is just south of Buffalo, NY. I co-teach 3 US History classes and really love learning about our President, Lincoln in particular. I am looking forward to this unique opportunity to learn more for myself as well finding interesting content that will help my students find history more personal and interesting.
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January 29, 2009
Pamela Krpejs said:
Hello everyone-
I am the Technology Coordinator/Librarian at a high school in NC. I am so excited about the opportunity to learn more about Lincoln to share with my students. On a personal note I have always been very interested in Lincoln the man and his presidency so this really peeked my interest. I have an 8 year old son who has gotten interested in Lincoln too so hopefully I will learn more to share with him.
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January 29, 2009
Corey said:
Hello All!
I’m a recent graduate from UNC Charlotte with a BA in History, Secondary Education. I’m currently reading Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. I highly recommend it for anyone studying Lincoln and American history. This online conference is sure to increase my knowledge, and provide me with “stuff” to use as a high school teacher.
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January 29, 2009
Forrest Walker said:
Hello from Jackson,Georgia. I teach American literature to 11th graders and am the yearbook sponsor. I am also in charge of the prom and next month I will receive my masters degree in Reading. I am also one of the Freedom Wrtier Teachers.
I am a big history buff as well as being an all around avid reader of fiction and nonfiction alike.
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January 29, 2009
Carol Curtiss said:
Hello. I am an Education Specialist for an education service center (Region XIII in Austin, Texas). I work with teachers, providing curriculum help and professional development. I am originally from Illinois, so am a “Lincoln-phile” from way back. This is the first time I have participated in an online conference and am really looking forward to it.
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January 29, 2009
Lisa Foster said:
I am Museum Registrar at the Mississippi Armed Forces Museum at Camp Shelby. In addition, I’m a recent graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi with a BA in history. I study Southern history and Civil War memory, which explains the interest in Lincoln.
I’m thankful for this opportunity to learn more.
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January 29, 2009
Mary said:
Hello – my name is Mary and I am a Librarian here at Allentown School District. I work between two Elementary schools, working with Grades 1 – 5.
I am a big history buff – and I have been doing Civil War re-enacting with my family and now my fiancee since I was 9years old. I am looking forward to learning a little bit more about Lincoln as well as meeting new people!
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January 29, 2009
Kevin Gobell said:
I am a professional educator from Colorado who is currently teaching American history (1850-1910)at the 8th grade level. Looking forward to the conference, but realistically may be using the archives more than the live.
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January 29, 2009
Jonathan Larson said:
Hello everyone,
I am a first year social studies teacher at Lakes Area Charter School in Osakis, MN. I am very excited about this conference first, because I have been a fan of Lincoln as long as I can remember, and second, because I will be teaching about him later this year. I look forward to this conference.
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January 29, 2009
Angela Failoni said:
I am a high school American Government teacher in a small town in Wyoming. I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge base and participating in this on line experience – a first for me.
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January 29, 2009
David Wood said:
hello, I’m a 6th grade US history & 7th grade Civics teacher from Page County in the Shenandoah Valley of Va. I live in Broadway Va. which has a definite Lincoln connection in that Abraham’s great Grandfather built a house a few miles outside Broadway which still stands today.
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January 29, 2009
Midori said:
Hello, I’m Midori and a special ed. teacher of 3-5 graders in the Los Angeles, CA area. I’ve begun a quest to read about as many of our forefathers so I’m excited about this series.
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January 29, 2009
Delores Thomas said:
Hello all,
I am a retired librarian so I am free to do what I like and that is Lincoln research. I have been interested in Lincoln since a young child when my father took our whole family on a Lincoln tour starting in Southern Indiana and Kentuky on to Springfield, Illinois. Then we went east into a few Civil War battlefields and on into Washington, DC.
I will appreciate my first video confenence. Thank you.
Delores Thomas
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January 29, 2009
Susan De Roy said:
I am a fifth grade teacher in Omaha, Nebraska. I teach all the math, science, and social studies/history for two classrooms. I have participated in a local Teaching American History Grant that my district offered a few years ago and am currently earning my masters in curriculum improvement. (Which means the university does not offer a Masters degree in American History!) I teach the Civil War late in the school year and always focus on the influence Lincoln had on shaping the presidency. I am looking forward to learning from all of you.
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January 29, 2009
Delores Thomas said:
Hello all,
I am a retired librarian so I am free to do what I like and that is Lincoln research. I have been interested in Lincoln since a young child when my father took our whole family on a Lincoln tour starting in Southern Indiana and Kentuky on to Springfield, Illinois. I will appreciate my first video confenence. Thank you.
Delores Thomas
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January 29, 2009
Lisa Rossi said:
Hi everyone,
My name is Lisa Rossi, and I’m a senior at Penn State University. While I am not a history major, I am a huge history buff and my favorite time period is the American Civil War. I look forward to expanding my knowledge on Lincoln with all of you!
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January 29, 2009
Ranae Powell said:
Hey Everyone!
I teach 4th grade in Idaho. We have nothing like the Smithsonian here in the west, so I love that I can “visit” via the internet. I love US history. I have never done a conference like this before, so this will be fun. I am teaching class while a lot of the presentations are going on, so I will be doing my conferencing after-hours.
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January 29, 2009
Lorraine Fussell said:
I’m a language arts teacher at Coffee High School in Douglas, Georgia, where I teach American literature and AP Language (for the first time). Douglas is about 40 miles from the Okefenokee Swamp near Waycross if you need a frame of reference. I am pleased at the prospect of participating in this conversation and learning more about Lincoln.
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January 29, 2009
Melanie said:
Good Evening! I’m a full time student who is a returning adult. I’ve signed up out of personal interest in learning more, at all times, and to get the opportunity to learn about one of our greatest Presidents from the greatest museums in our land is not something I want to miss..
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January 29, 2009
Linda Lipps said:
Hi everyone. My name is Linda Lipps and I teach 7th grade at L.F. Addington Middle School in Wise, Virginia. Wise is located in the far southwest part of our state. I teach U.S. History (part II) which is actually the US from Reconstruction to the present, but I love to learn more about all eras of history. The Civil War era has always fascinated me and this seemed like a wonderful opportunity to learn more about a key figure. Thank you Smithsonian for providing this opportunity.
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January 30, 2009
Harriet Gould said:
Hello All,
I am a retired elementary school principal, K-12 curriculum director from Valparaiso, NE. I worked with our elementary students in after school classes called BEYOND (Being Enriched Yields Opportunities in New Directions). I am volunteering to do a BEYOND class on President Obama and want to be able to draw parallel’s with Lincoln. I am very excited about this learning opportunity and learning from all of you as well. Thanks Smithsonian.
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January 30, 2009
Kathleen Gottschalk said:
Hello everybody,
I am a kindergarten paraprofessional in a small town school in Southern Minnesota. I am currently working toward my degree in elementary education. My 9 year old daughter and I are going to take this course together. We are both very excited about it and we are facinated with Abraham Lincoln. I am so glad this info. was passed along to me by another teacher at my school and hope to leave this course with much more knowledge about Lincoln!
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January 30, 2009
Christie said:
Welcome to everyone!
I am a middle school English and American history teacher. I have been teaching for over ten years. I am currently at home with my two-year-old son, but am always looking for ways to keep me up-to-date with curriculum and my certification while I am at home. Being at home gives me the opportunity to participate in conferences like this one and I am collecting all this information to use in my next teaching job.
I live in MA. I belong to ALFHAM (Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums). Along with teaching, I have been involved with Old Sturbridge Village in MA in one capacity or another: such as working as a costumed volunteer, writing grants, creating curriculum, attending teacher workshops or attending the village weekly with my son to just enjoy a day in 1830 New England!
I am looking forward to attending this conference and learning more about one of my favorite presidents, Abraham Lincoln.
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January 30, 2009
Josephine said:
Hi Everybody -
I’m at the information desk at American Art/National Portrait Gallery “G” Street Entrance on Sunday afternoons. I’m asked a lot of questions about the collections relating to President Lincoln and the Civil War. Can’t wait to learn and share with others!
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January 30, 2009
john huneycutt said:
My name is John and I am a high school social studies teacher in New London, North Carolina.
I am looking forward to seeing multiple perspectives on Lincoln and integrating them into the US history classroom.
Look forward to the seminar.
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January 30, 2009
Lee Stone said:
I teach US History at Carver Middle School in Chester Virginia
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January 30, 2009
Rachael Drenovsky said:
As the Coordinator for the Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center, I am responsible for public education about the Michigan courts. The Learning Center is located at the Michigan Hall of Justice, Lansing, MI.
Each May, we celebrate the American Bar Association’s Law Day. This year’s theme honors Abraham Lincoln, one of our greatest lawyer-Presidents.
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January 30, 2009
Patsy Charlton said:
My name is Patsy Charlton and I am a 5th grade teacher at Idaho Hill Elementary in Oldtown, Idaho. Our school has 162 students from K-6. I have the privilege of teaching American history to my fifth grade students. I do a huge Civil War Unit in the Spring after our State Standardized testing and the students really enjoy it. This online discussion of Abraham Lincoln will help my students understand the man and the difficult decisions he had to make. I look forward to chatting with you.
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January 30, 2009
Jamie said:
Greetings! I am an elementary school principal in a suburb of Chicago. I am looking forward to gaining further insight to Honest Abe and sharing the information with my staff and students for future lessons.
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January 30, 2009
TJ Scollan said:
Good Morning. I am 8th Grade Social Teachers in New Jersey and my classes are studying the Civil War. We are looking for ways to honor Lincoln on this 200th anniversary of his birth. This is our first experience with online conferencing.
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January 30, 2009
Monica Deese said:
I am an eighth grade American History teacher in Port Neches, Texas and a self professed fan of President #16! This will be my first “rodeo” with the Smithsonian online conferences. I’m excited for my students to see and hear the experts talk about all aspects of Lincoln, and of course all the Civil War connections. Here at Port Neches Middle School we are looking forward to next week’s conferences!
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January 30, 2009
Tonna Heard said:
I am the Access Facilitator at Ardmore High School. Our school is located in Alabama. I have several classes scheduled to come to our IVC room to participate in this online conference. I am so excited!!!!
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January 30, 2009
Joanne said:
Hi, I am not an educator as many of you are. I am Contracts Procurement Professional at a major corporation. Aside from that, I am a big Abraham Lincoln Fan and my graduate work is in American History. I am familiar with online conferencing as I use it a great deal in my work. I am looking forward to the Smithsonian experience and sharing ideas with everyone.
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January 30, 2009
Keith Schroeder said:
I am the library media specialist for Bay Port High School, Howard-Suamico School District in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I am also President-Elect for the Wisconsin Educational Media and Technology Association, and Northeastern Wisconsin Intertype Library Vice President. I’m very excited about the prospect of conferences with Smithsonian! Looking forward to lots more, too!
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January 30, 2009
Pam Ford said:
Hi Lincoln Lovers,
I’m am a teaching assistant (Rochester, NY) and an alumnus of Lincoln Elementary School (Anaheim, CA) where I began my quest to learn more about my favorite president. My quest continues and my admiration for Honest Abe grows with every book and article I read about the man. This is my first online seminar; however, I have walked the halls of the Smithsonian several times. My heart beats faster now just thinking about its treasure trove! I look forward to participating in this seminar.
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January 30, 2009
Chrissa Dean said:
Hi everyone!
I am a first year 8th grade Social Studies teacher at Paint Valley Middle School in Bainbridge, Ohio (just outside of Chillicothe.)
I am very excited to try out this online conference and hope to use the archived sessions in class.
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January 30, 2009
Kim Adkins and Marchelle Cavanaugh said:
I, Kim, am a librarian at an elementary school in Louisiana and Marchelle is my aide. We are interested in integrating more technology into the classrooms through distance learning and electronic fieldtrips. I was a high school social studies teacher before becoming a librarian so I am particularly concerned with increasing student interest and enjoyment of the social studies through technology and the use of primary sources. I’m hoping that this seminar will give me some interesting ideas to share with my faculty so our students can connect with a larger world and begin to work with the raw materials of history.
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January 30, 2009
Betsy said:
I am currently a 5th grade teacher in a public charter school in Prince George’s County, Maryland. I teach both social studies and reading/English language arts. My students loved learning about the inauguration and how President Obama used items of Lincoln’s. They are wanting to learn more, so that means I have to learn more!
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January 30, 2009
Mike Irwin said:
Hello our there.
I’m excited about hosting several classes that will come in our lecture hall and watch the Lincoln experience on the big screen and hopefully interact. We will be doing some programs for video conferencing (in the future) that pretain to Lincoln and his impact on the railroads. Keep my address for furture connections. Omaha Nebraska
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January 30, 2009
Whit Grace said:
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January 30, 2009
Rebecca Slaughter said:
I am participating in the Lincoln celebrations by curating a small exhibit on the Lincoln Funeral Train and Lincoln’s impact on railroad history. It will be installed at the Las Cruces Railroad Museum in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
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January 30, 2009
Jessica said:
I am a second year teacher in Manila, Utah. I teach 7-12 grade Social Studies. This keeps me busy, so I am always looking for new ideas and places to get information. This past summer I attended some lectures on Lincoln, which peaked my interest in him even more. I am so glad that the Smithsonian is hosting this event, because it is hard to get time off from school to attend these conferences that are cross country. Thanks Smithsonian!
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January 30, 2009
Wayne Haney said:
Greetings all.
My name is Wayne, and I am a high school history teacher.
This will be my first online conference, and I am really looking forward to the experience and to hopefully discovering new lessons I can bring to my students.
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January 30, 2009
Renee said:
Hi. First, to all the organizers and presenters of this conference: Thank you!
My name is Renee, and I’m a Lincoln fan in the Bay Area of California. I have a small Web site about Lincoln and am definitely looking forward to this conference.
I’m really happy to see all the teachers here. I ended up in a high tech career, but it is my high school history teacher who got me excited about history and Lincoln, so I love that so many teachers are here to get info to take back to their classrooms.
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January 31, 2009
Frank Barre said:
Hi All,
I want to thank you for this wonderfull opportunity to explore many interesting aspects of The Life of Abraham Lincoln.Lincoln has always been a personal hero for me for as long as I can remember. I find the idea of an online,virtual conference very intriguing and I am looking forward to participating and perhaps sharing the information with others.
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January 31, 2009
Linda said:
Hello Everyone, My interest in Lincoln grows more everytime I read something new about this great leader. We had America before he came to office. We became The United States of America during his time in the office. I teach 5th grade Social Studies in McKinney, Texas.
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January 31, 2009
Nancy Koopman said:
Hello! I’m a fourth grade elementary teacher. My school is part of the Kingston district and we have a lot of history that is local.
I’m looking forward to this conference but won’t be able to hear it live since I’ll be in class. I’m glad that I can access the information later.
I can’t wait to share some of the new things that I learn with my students!! The Civil War is of high interest to me and my students.
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January 31, 2009
Mary McGuire said:
Hello fellow ‘classmates’,
I am kindergarten teacher and also going for my masters in educational leadership. Abraham Lincoln is a great teacher in leadership style! I also am an American history buff so am excited to learn more.
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January 31, 2009
Larry Slater said:
Thanks very much to the Smithsonian for putting this online conference together. While I’m a market research consultant “by day,” my degrees are in history and I’ve published a book and articles on various historical topics. Abraham Lincoln is by far my favorite President, ahead of Washington and Theodore Roosevelt. Am really looking forward to this series of presentations.
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January 31, 2009
Randy Kunsch said:
I live and teach in rural northern, WI – Phillips, WI. I teach at the middle school level and one of my assignments is American history from the Civil War to present. I love the Civil War era and that includes Lincoln. I am hoping to find ideas to bring that era and President Lincoln alive for my students.
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January 31, 2009
Dean Mader said:
Hello Everyone,
I am a 10th Grade American History Teacher in Southeastern Ohio. My class centers primarily on the 20th Century, but I manage to back track a little to squeeze in the Civil War and of couse Lincoln. I have been teaching for five years, and Lincoln is always one of my students favorite people to study. I am looking forward to this workshop.
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February 1, 2009
Carol Morgan said:
Hi! This is my first such event and I’m excited. I live in Coffee County, Georgia – about 3 hours south of Atlanta. I’m a retired educator (8 years as US History teacher and 23 as a media specialist). History is a passion for me and I love nothing better than finding “the man” inside the myth. That is what always fed by love of history.
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February 1, 2009
Kim Pennington said:
Hello FOLs (Friends of Lincoln)! I live in Norman, Oklahoma and teach nearby in Moore. This conference will be great info for my US History class…I am most interested in the whole ballon aircorps and can’t wait to learn more!
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February 2, 2009
Katherine Falso said:
Hi — I’m a fourth grade teacher outside of Philadelphia. I am sharing this seat with my colleagues. I am looking forward to some interesting and lively discussions.
Thank you Smithsonian!
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February 2, 2009
Frances said:
I’m the artifact registrar at the NC Maritime Museum with a long standing interest in Mr. Lincoln. I’m looking forward to this conference.
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February 2, 2009
Carrie Kotcho said:
Hi, I manage the Smithsonian’s History Explorer program and web site at the National Museum of American History. We develop online K-12 resources for teaching and learning American history.
I’m looking forward to interacting with teachers and other “Lincolnites” during the conference. I’ve read many, many books about Lincoln, but nothing has compared with being able to encounter the Lincoln artifacts we have at the museum.
Enjoy the conference!
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February 2, 2009
Joy Stoker-Hadow said:
Hello, everyone!
I am a media specialist/librarian at Franklin Middle School in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I am excited for this online conference opportunity; I hope to learn new ways to support our social studies classes in their emphasis on Lincoln during the bicentennial.
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February 2, 2009
Tanna Davis said:
My name is Tanna Davis. I live in Natchez, Mississippi. I teach 5th grade at Franklin Upper Elementary in Meadville, Mississipp.
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February 2, 2009
Matt Shomaker said:
Good Morning,
My name is Matt Shomaker and I’m a high school American History teacher at Warsaw High in Warsaw, Missouri (about 30 miles south of Sedalia). I also teach Dual Credit American History through the University of Central Missouri.
I’m especially looking forward to the session on public and private photography and the Lincoln masks.
Matt Shomaker
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February 2, 2009
Matt Shomaker said:
Good Morning All,
My name is Matt Shomaker and I’m a high school American History teacher at Warsaw High in Warsaw, Missouri (about 30 miles south of Sedalia). I also teach Dual Credit American History through the University of Central Missouri.
I’m especially looking forward to the session on public and private photography and the Lincoln masks for classroom use.
Matt Shomaker
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February 2, 2009
Jane Olesen said:
Hello, I work in a small school district in Vermont for the Office of Instruction and Information. I have always had an interest in the Civil War and Lincoln. In my work I am always looking for different professional development opportunities for our teaching staff. I stumbled upon this virtual conference and thought it was a wonderful way to participate. I am trying this conference out and hopefully there will be more in the future that I can steer our staff towards.
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February 2, 2009
Melanie Haynes said:
Hello everyone!
My name is Melanie Haynes and I am a 7th and 8th grade science teacher at Cold Springs High School in Alabama.
My father taught American history for more than 30 years and he is the reason I wanted to teach. I taught sixth grade history for 9 years and loved it! Abraham Lincoln is one of my favorite presidents!
I am looking forward to this conference!
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February 2, 2009
Craig Anthony Thomas said:
Hello, all!
I teach K-12 teachers how to use digital photography and visual literacy in delivering instructions as a consultant to FotoFest International’s Literacy Through Photography© (LTP) program. I recently escorted 16 elementary students (second- through fifth-graders) from Houston’s The Rhodes (charter) School and eight adult chaperons to the 56th inaugural festivities and two days of sightseeing at the Smithsonian Institution. I will soon make my YouTube debut with movies of still photos taken during the D.C. excursion. I am looking forward to the exchange of ideas and experiences with educators interested in the life and times of Abe Lincoln. Cheers from Houston, Craig
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February 2, 2009
Megan Schaefer said:
Hello! I teach at history at Knoxville High School in Knoxville, Illinois. I am extremely excited about this opportunity! I enjoy learning more about Abraham Lincoln.
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February 2, 2009
Paul Molholm said:
Greeings! I am an educator at the National Museum of American History working on the History Explorer website.
I am a Civil War buff and big fan of Lincoln (and his really great quotes)!
I am really excited to learn new ways that people are trying to incorporate Lincoln into both formal and informal educational settings.
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February 2, 2009
Kerri Voss said:
Hello! I am an 8th grade art teacher. I am looking forward to the conference and excited to be able to share this information with my students.
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February 2, 2009
Samantha Mendez said:
Hello! I am a clerk at a mental health clinic in Quincy MA, but I have always loved history and am considering going back to school to become a professional in the field.
My knowledge of Lincoln and his era is hazy, so I’m excited to learn many new things at the conference!
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February 2, 2009
Diane King said:
I am Diane King and I teach at West Morgan High School just outside Decatur, Alabama. My subject areas are math and computer, but I have always loved American history. We have several students that have not passed the Social Studies of our state’s graduation exam and I am hoping that there is material that I can use to get my students “fired up” about history.
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February 2, 2009
Sharolyn Griffith said:
Hello Lincoln Fans! I look forward to meeting with some of you on the conference. I just chaired a Lincoln Bicentennial event in my small town in Lincoln County, Wyoming! We actually have several ties to Lincoln in Wyoming believe it or not. We had Allen C. Guelzo, author of three books on Lincoln speak and a contest in the schools. It was a great success. I teach history at a small alternative high school and love Abraham Lincoln. This should be lots of fun to participate in.
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February 3, 2009
Adrienne Meddock said:
I teach at a law school and am excited to learn more about Lincoln and particularly more about ballooning in the Civil War. I am from a family of hot air balloonists and grew up spending summers with Captain Eddie Allen, who was descended from a pilot in Lincoln’s “Air Force.” Eager to learn more.
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February 3, 2009
Mary Louden said:
My name is Mary Louden and I teach 5th grade social studies at Cartmell Elementary in Carrollton, Kentucky. I’m interested in learning more about the life of Lincoln myself and hoping that my students will enjoy participating in the online conferences!
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February 3, 2009
Jeannie Luckett said:
I am the Education Curator at West Baton Rouge Museum. As with many museums, our focus this year for exhibits and programs is the Lincoln Bicentennial. I am looking forward to learning more about Lincoln and to all of the new ideas for lessons, activities, and points of interest for our tour guides, etc that this conference will inspire!
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February 3, 2009
Stephanie Norby said:
I am the Director of the Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies and I am excited to hear your ideas about how to use Smithsonian content, scholarship, and materials in your classrooms. The Smithsonian is filled with riches, but I’d like to know more about what your students find most interesting and what we can do to be of help.
Talk to you tomorrow.
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February 3, 2009
Rob Murphy said:
I am an American History teacher in South Windsor, Connecticut. I also recently completed my master’s degree in Educational Technology from the University of Connecticut (Go Huskies!). I’m very interested to use this opportunity learn about more resources to incorporate into my classroom, especially about my favorite President.
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February 3, 2009
Lynette Jenkins said:
I am a general elementary music teacher in Savannah, Georgia. I teach grades K-5.
I am interested in learning more about Lincoln, so I can share more information with my students, as we study his role in African American History.
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February 3, 2009
Stephen Binns said:
Hello. I’m a writer at the Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies. I hope the conference will whet your interest in visiting the Smithsonian and other sites here in Lincoln-haunted Washington.
In downtown Washington, for instance, there are vistas from which one can see both the Lincoln’s White House and the Robert E. Lee house across the river in Arlington. Such a scene brings a frisson to the idea of the “brothers’ war.”
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February 3, 2009
Stephen Binns said:
Hello. I’m a writer at the Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies. I hope the conference will whet your interest in visiting the Smithsonian and other sites here in Lincoln-haunted Washington.
In downtown Washington, for instance, there are vistas from which one can see both the Lincoln White House and the Robert E. Lee house across the river in Arlington. Such a scene brings a frisson to the idea of the “brothers’ war.”
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February 3, 2009
Jennifer Williams said:
Hi everyone,
My name is Jennifer and currently finishing my undergrad in history with plans of being a secondary education social studies teacher. My main area of interest is presidential history so this series fits right in with my passion!
I look forward to “meeting” you all tomorrow.
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February 3, 2009
Kim Jobe said:
Hi! My name is Kim Jobe and in addition to serving as the Teaching American History Grant director for our District, I am also an avid history buff. I first heard about the online event dueing a TAH conference in New York last month and have been excited about it since!
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February 3, 2009
Elaine said:
I am looking forward to this opportunity to utilize technology as well as learn about Lincoln! My experiences in the past with the Smithsonian Education program has been great! High quality…..not to be missed!
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February 3, 2009
Diane Willard said:
I’m a school media specialist from a small Mississippi school district. I was so excited about this opportunity to learn more about President Lincoln; I have a small collection of books about him, a Lincoln Memorial lamp, a Lincoln Insurance Co. bank and several pictures. We are arranging a small exhibit in our library with my items.
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February 3, 2009
Darlene Darbro said:
Hello to all fellow participants – I am only the facilitator of this conference for a 1st grade student where I am the elementary principal. This young man has an incredible interest in the presidents and Abraham Lincoln in particular. His viewing of this conference is a reward for exceptional behavior in his classroom. I love history, (my father was a history teacher), but I think I will enjoy the excitement of this young man as he participates in this conference. Thank you for making this opportunity possible.
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February 3, 2009
Robert G. Walden said:
Hello fans of Lincoln. I am a middle school library assistant from El Paso, Texas. I am looking forward to the conference and sharing this valuable information with our students. This will be an exciting trip back in time.
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February 3, 2009
Katie Humleker said:
I am a 7th/8th grade US History teacher at a private school in Northern Virginia. I have loved having the opportunity to teach such an amazing topic in such an amazing location. I am excited to see all this conference has to offer!
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February 3, 2009
Gail Rosmarin said:
Hello to all,
I am so excited to participate in this online conference!!!! I am a AP US History teacher and Project Director for Poplar Bluff R-I School District’s Teach American History Grant. The school district is located in Southeast Missouri and we are recovering from a major, major ice storm.
Myself along with 6 other teachers, grades 8-12, will be viewing and participating in this online conference together.
We are very anxious to learn more about Lincoln and feel very lucky to have this opportunity to participate in this unique experience. We hope it is a success, and hope more conferences are offered in the future!!
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February 3, 2009
Richard Sterling said:
I’m a faculty member at the Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley. If I had my time over, I would have become a historian, and a student of American History. The Lincoln presidency has, I believe, many lessons for today, particularly for students who wish to grasp how much social change has occured since the Civil War. I am also interested in finding ways to bring the teaching of history together with the teaching of literature.
I look forward to the discussions over the next two days.
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February 4, 2009
Theresa Bolton said:
Greetings from California! I am very excited about this web event. Thank you to the Smithsonian for including us in this event.
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February 4, 2009
LaToya said:
Hi everyone!
I’m a graduate student in the Museum Studies program at Southern University at New Orleans. I am an avid history buff and I look forward to seeing what the conference has to offer.
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February 4, 2009
June Pugh said:
I am an 8th grade Georgia Studies teacher in Blue Ridge, Georgia. I hope to be part of the conference, but due to schedule difficulties will probably have to visit the archives for most of the sessions. We are studying the Civil War at this time, and would love to be a part of this conference.
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February 4, 2009
Emily Cline said:
Hello! I’m the Lead Educator at the Senator John Heinz History Center (an affiliate of the Smithsonian) in Pittsburgh, PA. I’m an avid history buff and I’m looking forward to serving as the education point person as the History Center prepares for the Lincoln bicentennial.
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February 4, 2009
Beth Gibbs said:
Hello everyone!
I’m an Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology and Research at The University of West Alabama. As well as teaching grad-level educational technology classes, I have a very special interest in online education — specifically online professional development for K-12 teachers. I’m very excited about this online conference!
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February 4, 2009
Donald Pearce said:
Greatings everyone,
It is so great to be a part of this conference with all of you. Thank you Smithsonian for hosting us. My name is Donald Pearce and I teach at the Wattsburg Area School District just 10 miles southeast of Erie Pennsylvania. I love American History. I will be using the information gained over the next two days to plan a school wide celebration of Lincoln and his birth.
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February 4, 2009
Angela Sereno said:
I teach 12th grade Honors/American Government at a choice school in Milwaukee, WI. I am looking forward to this great experience!
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February 4, 2009
Stephanie Joynes said:
Hi Everyone!
I am the Program Manager here at Smithsonian for our student travel program, Smithsonian Student Travel. We help middle school and high school student and their teachers travel to Washington, DC and other locations throughout the US (Chicago, Alabama, Alaska). Our educational tours are supported by Smithsonian-created resources, like this virtual conference.
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February 4, 2009
Andrew Duppstadt said:
My name is Andrew Duppstadt. I am the Assistant Curator of Education for the North Carolina Division of State Historic Sites, a state agency that encompasses 27 historic sites statewide. Our department is sponsoring a Lincoln symposium at our state Museum of History in Raleigh next week, so this will be a good warm up for me. I don’t know how much I will be able to participate in the live portions of this conference due to other work responsibilities, but I hope to listen to most of the presentations either live or in archive form.
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February 4, 2009
Sheila Raines said:
Hello! I am a self-contained teacher at Lamar Co. High School in Barnesville, Ga. I recently visited the Smithsonian in July with the 22,000 Sorority Sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha. It is a priviledge to allow my student to listen to a narrative about Honest Abe. We have been discussing the qualifications of a president as well as President Lincoln second inaugural address and the Gettysburg Address.
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February 4, 2009
Paul said:
Hello all,
I am a former 8th grade U.S. History teacher from Marion County Florida and currently the social studies curriculum specialist and TAH grant project director for our school district.
I am looking forward to the conference!
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February 4, 2009
Deborah Jackson said:
My name is Deborah Hunt Jackson, I teach 8th grade social studies in Meadville, MS. The students and I are about to embark on a journey during the Civil War of 1861.