Discussion: “Please Introduce Yourself”
The Discussion areas are a place to introduce yourself to fellow participants and to post comments relating to each conference session. Jump in and share!
Please take a moment to introduce yourself to conference participants. You might like to tell us where you work, what city you are in, and about your role in the world of education. Don’t hesitate to tell us about your interest in Abraham Lincoln or why this conference is of particular interest to you.
Add your introduction in the Comments box below, or click “reply” next to someone else’s post to offer your response to their introduction. Or call the LearningTimes record-by-phone system to record an audio introduction; select audio messages will appear here as well. The number in US/Canada is 1-800-609-9006 x8055. (Outside of US/Canada, call 678-255-2174 x8055).
We look forward to meeting you!
- The Smithsonian Online Education Conference: Abraham Lincoln Team
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February 4, 2009
Deborah Jackson said:
My name is Deborah Hunt Jackson of Roxie, MS. I teach 8th social studies. The students and I area about to start student the war years of 1860-1865.
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February 4, 2009
Kathy Haas said:
I’m the curatorial assistant at the Rosenbach Museum & Library in Philadelphia. I’m also the content manager for my museums Lincoln Bicentennial web project, 21st-Century Abe, which launches on Feb 12. Our site will include original Lincoln documents along with interpretation by scholars and contemporary artists and opportunities for site vistors to create and share their own interpretations. On a personal note, I’m also a Civil War buff and former reenactor.
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February 4, 2009
Megan Mosman said:
My name is Megan and I teach at Shiprock High School on the Navajo Nation Indian Reservation. My students are participating in National History Day this year for the first time, and I am interested in showing them more great ways to access primary sources!
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February 4, 2009
Annika Russell said:
Hi!! I’m Annika Russell and a HS teacher in South Dakota. I love history and have done research on Lincoln so am really looking forward to this conference.
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February 4, 2009
GR said:
im a hoover middle school student in albuquerque new mexico and my teacher wants me to learn about abraham lincoln
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February 4, 2009
Alexis said:
Hey. I am from Albuquerque, NM. I am a student from Hoover Middle School and I am trying to learn about Lincoln.
-Thank you…
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February 4, 2009
Max said:
Hey Abraham Lovers!
I am the Course Director of Social Studies and History for George Washington University. I personally think it should be named Abraham Lincoln University!(That’s a little History joke!)
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February 4, 2009
Hailey said:
I am thirteen years old and I am at Hoover Middle School, and I am on this website because our Social Studies teacher wants us to find out some information on Abraham Lincoln. I was wondering if anyone could please give me some information on him.
Thank you
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February 4, 2009
Zach said:
Hi im from Albuquerque
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February 4, 2009
Butter Guppies said:
Im a hoover hawk and i have to do this. O and my birthday is on feb 12 1995
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February 4, 2009
Corwin said:
Hello I’m a student at Hoover Middle School and my teacher told me this would be a great place to talk about and learn about Lincoln.
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February 4, 2009
Corwin said:
Hello Lincoln aficionados I’m a student at Hoover Middle School and i was told that this is a great place to learn about lincoln.
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February 4, 2009
Corwin said:
Hello i’m a student at Hoover Middle School and I’m here to learn about Lincoln.
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February 4, 2009
Charlotte Anderson said:
I am a LMS at Central JHS in Lawrence, KS. My assistant is out sick today, so I will participate as much as possible. I love Lincoln and wanted to learn more about him!
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February 4, 2009
Wes Harris said:
Hello. I am a retired police officer. Now I write books and articles on historical events that interest me. I am collecting material to write a book on the firearms John Wilkes Booth collected in the plot to kill Lincoln, the vice-president and the secretary of state.
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February 4, 2009
Vincent Young said:
My name is Vincent Young, I am a writer, editor, and educational consultant. I am fascinated both by Lincoln and the concept of a multi-day Webinar conference. I write two blogs. K2Twelve.org reflects on the meaning and purpose of “school” as institution and community. Many posts ponder the influence of race and technology as factors shaping the notion of “school.” Cranialgunk.org collects writing on everything else.
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February 4, 2009
Holly Sprague said:
Hello my name is Holly Sprague and I am a 4/5 teacher at an elementary school in Washington state.
I’ve always been interested in Abraham Lincoln. To celebrate his 200th Birthday this month, I put a unit together and have been teaching my students about him and what he’s done for our country.
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February 4, 2009
Howard Lurie said:
Hi everyone,
My name is Howard Lurie, and I am the director of professional development at Teachers’ Domain, a free digital service produced by WGBH Boston (http://www.teachersdomain.org)
I am former history and Social Studies teacher, and have always followed studies of Lincoln, as well as been fascinated by how memories and memorializations of him have filtered through to today.
Thanks, Smithsonian folks, for making this event happen.
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February 4, 2009
Mary Ann Reeve said:
Hi I’m an elementary Special Education teacher. I currently teach students in the 3rd grade with a variety of disabilities.
I’ve been in love with learning about Lincoln since I was in 3rd grade so the opportunity to participate in an event like this is wonderful.
I look forward to learning from the speakers as well as all the participants.
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February 4, 2009
Renae said:
Hi! I teach 7th and 8th grade Language Arts at J. B. Pennington High School in Blountsville, Alabama. I love history and try to incorporate it into my lessons as much as possible!
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February 4, 2009
Julie Gaskin said:
Hi! I’m a technology resource teacher for Fayette County Public Schools in Lexington, Kentucky. I’m one of the lucky folks in Kentucky to have electricity but school was cancelled again today since we have more snow that has fallen on top of the ice on the roads. I’m visiting to learn more about Lincoln and to get ideas about how to best deliver instruction electronically.
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February 4, 2009
Christina said:
Hi, I’m a graphic designer from Toronto, Canada. I am currently am developing a personal project about the image of Lincoln. I find this part of American history (and his part in it) extremely fascinating and am documenting artists’ explorations on his image in a mini book.
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February 4, 2009
Colette Shannon said:
I’m the media clerk at an alternative high school, Lewis and Clark, in Vancouver, WA.
I’m trying to interest students in on-line learning.
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February 4, 2009
Brenda Pollan said:
Hey, I am Brenda Pollan. I teach Kindergarten in Meadville, Ms. We are studying American Presidents and I hope to learn more about Abraham Lincoln so I can share the information with my class.
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February 4, 2009
Gail Garvis said:
My name is Gail Garvis. I am a
Library Media Specialist in the
Kansas City Missouri School District,
for Pitcher El. and Longfellow El.
i also work for Mid-Contient Public
Library part-time. I am definitely a
Lincoln fan.
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February 4, 2009
Kathy Wheaton said:
Our fifth grade classes at Tryon Elementary , Tryon, North Carolina, plan to participate in several of these session. Thank you for this opportunity.
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February 4, 2009
Tutti Jackson said:
I am a project curator at the Ohio Historical Society. My colleagues and I are excited to participate in this online conference.
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February 4, 2009
Melinda said:
This year I am a third grade inclusion teacher at Franklin Upper Elementary in the southwest corner of Mississippi. I team teach with another teacher who happens to have the same last name, which has been fun! My favorite subjects are science and social studies.
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February 4, 2009
Rosella Sosa said:
Hello, I am an Associate Librarian at César E. Chávez Elementary in Las Cruces, New Mexico. This conference interested me because not only is it on-line but I love history!!! Although I work in a K-2 school I am always looking for different types of history information and bits I can introduce them to during their library sessions. I found all the information so far to be very enlightening and interesting and am looking forward to the other sessions.
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February 4, 2009
Rod Strayer said:
Thank you for providing the opportunity for us to participate in this conference on Lincoln. I teach eighth grade and high school U.S. history at Churubusco, IN. Until last year, I led our students to D.C. and Gettysburg. Our theme during this period is Oppression & Liberty focusing on the Abolition Movement and the Civil War. I am looking forward to hearing all the presenters.
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February 4, 2009
Kathy said:
As a Herndon relative, life-long student and a former resident of Springfield, IL, I’m interested in updating my perspective on Lincoln and his times.
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February 4, 2009
Debbie Vincent said:
Hello! My name is Debbie Vincent and I am a Pre-K teacher from Franklin Lower Elementary. We are excited about having an opportunity to learn more about Abraham Lincoln.
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February 4, 2009
Amber Dillard said:
My husband and I are Civil War Re-enactors for the last 16 years. We have almost always been Union and appreciate any new information we can get to better inform spectators. It also helps to know the info comes from a reliable source.
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February 4, 2009
Katherine Ryan said:
My namae is Katherine Ryan. I am the Art teacher/Library Media specialist K-6, in a small school, in a small town in New Hampshire. Our 6th grade class is in preparation for a trip to Washington, DC next month. All are very excited to experience the Abraham Lincoln exhibits at the Smithsonian Museum.
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February 4, 2009
Danielle Flournoy said:
Greetings from Georgia! My name is Danielle Flournoy. The virtual conference is a great way to support educators and schools in a very economical way. It is very intriguing and offers a motivating platform for intellectual discussions.
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February 4, 2009
Theresa Atwood said:
Hello everyone. I teach at a public high school in a small southeastern Georgia town. I teach World Geography, World History and Current Issues. I am the mother of two grown children and the wife of a police officer.
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February 4, 2009
Susan Potera said:
Hi, I’m Susan. I’m a Civil War reenactor with a fascination in Mr. Lincoln. I found out about this conference from a thread in The Commons Group on Flickr.
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February 4, 2009
Kaley Sauer said:
I am a graduate student at the University of Oregon in the Arts and Administration Department. My concentration is in Museum Studies. I am excited to learn more about Lincoln, and am very interested to see how this online forum setup works. I am interested in interpretive and interactive exhibit design both in the traditional setting and an online platform. Thank you for making this opportunity free.
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February 5, 2009
Nick Bausch said:
Hi all. I apologize for missing day one of the conference. I teach 8th and 11th grades U.S. History and senior government among other things Louisville, NE. History has always been a passion of mine. I believe that every extra story or fact I can learn might be able to enhance my students’ interest in history. If only my storytelling abilities were more comparable to Mr. Lincoln’s!
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February 5, 2009
Kirsten Grünberg said:
I’m an art teacher at Lincoln School in Costa Rica. It’s a wonderful idea that people from around the world may get together and celebrate Lincoln’s bicentencial with the Smithsonian Institution. It will be great to share ideas with many of the participants!
I’m also an art curator at the Presidential House in Costa Rica and Vice President of ICOM – Costa Rica (International Council of Musuems of UNESCO in Costa Rica).
Best wishes to all staff members and administrators who organized this event.
Kirsten Grünberg
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February 5, 2009
Jennifer Levasseur said:
Hi, I’m a museum specialist in a field far from the days of Lincoln. I work at the National Air and Space Museum in the Space History Division, but have had a fascination with Lincoln since childhood. My grandparents live near the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI, so I recall many trips to there to see the chair from Ford’s Theater. Even though I study space artifacts, I still feel a strong connection to learning and understanding Lincoln through artifacts.
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February 5, 2009
Adam Bouse said:
My name is Adam Bouse and I am an Experience Manager and Museum Theater Specialist at Conner Prairie Museum in Indiana.
This year, we are opening a new experience called, “1859 Balloon Voyage,” that allows guests to be immersed in the story of America’s love for ballooning in the mid-19th century. Guests will be able to even fly in a gas balloon!
We have a Civil War Days event, and we intend on doing programming surrounding ballooning and the Civil War. We also have an Emancipation Series in our Museum Theater program, so I am very excited to participate in this Online Conference.
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February 5, 2009
Lynn-Steven Engelke said:
I’m Director of Programs at the Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies, and I’ve spent the past few months working with Smithsonian and Learning Times colleagues to develop this online conference. Day One was such a success, I can’t wait to log on in a few minutes for the first session of Day Two! I look forward to seeing your postings in the Discussion areas following each session. Your feedback will be extremely important as we plan future online conferences.
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February 5, 2009
Chris Papierz said:
Hi, I am a 6th grade social studies teacher who enjoys learning anything I can to help teach my students. I am from Coffee Middle School in South Georgia.
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February 5, 2009
Angela Harper said:
I am a coach for my son who is a student with Georgia Virtual Academy. This is a charter public school program in which the student work is done on the computer. They have interactive classes with their teachers. My son is a 7th grader and this is our first year. We also was in DC during the Inauguration.
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February 5, 2009
Bonita Koenigsknecht said:
Hi! I am a fourth-grade teacher of Social Studies and Religion at a Parochial grade school, Guardian Angels, in Cincinnati, Ohio. One enjoyable aspect of grade school Social Studies is that almost any topic can be a part of “research” for the classes. Also, a teacher at my level has to be able to teach children so that they can go home and explain what you say to their parents who have PHD’s in the subject and have the parents agree with you. Anything that I can really know well is worth it! We are interested in Lincoln, partly because of President Obama’s interest in him.
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February 6, 2009
Lorraine Fussell said:
I was able to show at least part of a presentation to all three of my high school language arts classes, two of which are American literature. Since we’re about to study realism, the timing was perfect. I think the part of the conference that was so valuable to my students (and to me) was that the moderators commented on and responded to several of our comments. In high school lingo, that was “cool.”
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Lorraine Fussell
Douglas, Georgia
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February 6, 2009
James E. Foster said:
I would like to see some other sites, particularly in the “Arts”.
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February 6, 2009
Linda Colins said:
Look forward to learning more.
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March 17, 2009
Carol said:
I am a student at Southwestern University in Georgetown Texas studying to be a teacher for special needs children. I have visited the Smithsonian museums and institutions in several cities and always enjoy the presentations. I enjoy making comparisons of the times of the Civil War to the times that we are living in now.