Discussion: “Mr. Lincoln’s Air Force”
Please use this forum to share comments and ideas with other participants relating to the session entitled, “Mr. Lincoln’s Air Force” by Tom Crouch.
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This entry was posted on Monday, January 26th, 2009 at 2:33 am and is filed under Discussions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
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February 5, 2009
Toby Holmes said:
This section was fascinating, is anyone considering trying this out in thier Civil War Unit?
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February 5, 2009
Eric Langhorst said:
Really enjoyed the session today. I had heard once that baloons were used in the Civil War but never knew how much and how. I was telling some of my 8th grade students about it later in the day and many commented they had never heard of baloons in the Civil War.
I do plan on using many of the images and information when I teach my Civil War unit later in the year. The next time I am in Washington DC on the mall I will also imagine that baloon on the mall. I loved the picture in the session of “then/now” using image of Mr. Crouch on the Mall.
Thanks for briging this conference to my classroom. Great two days of learning and appreciate the fact it is archived for future use.
Eric Langhorst
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February 17, 2009
DENNIS said:
Really enjoyed the session today. I had heard once that baloons were used in the Civil War but never knew how much and how. I was telling some of my 8th grade students about it later in the day and many commented they had never heard of baloons in the Civil War.
I do plan on using many of the images and information when I teach my Civil War unit later in the year. The next time I am in Washington DC on the mall I will also imagine that baloon on the mall. I loved the picture in the session of “then/now” using image of Mr. Crouch on the Mall.
Thanks for briging this conference to my classroom. Great two days of learning and appreciate the fact it is archived for future use.